Interviews with Leo Coogan

Sriman Dasa on Hare Krishna and the ISKON of VA

Sriman Dasa

Sriman Dasa is president of the ISKON of VA and owner of the Govinda restaurant in Richmond, VA. This episode was produced for a high school assignment, but I realized that it was so good that it needed to be published and that I needed to conduct more interviews.

In this episode I'll be interviewing the head of the ISKON of Virginia, Sriman
Dasa. ISKON stands for International Society for Krishna Consciousness, which is
the organization that leads the Hare Krishna movement. I've known Sriman since
the summer of '22 when I started organizing shows at the heavily-affiliated
Govinda restaurant directly across from the ISKON temple.

*When was the ISKON of VA founded?*

That was done in 2016.

*So rather recent.*

Recently. Real ISKON was set up in 1966 actually.

*I read that, isn't there a temple in West VA?*

Yes, many major city have temples and especially in WV there is a big temple
with 200 acres of land. That was built in the 1970s.

*Is it still active?*

Yes, very active, and they have a guest house and many people visit all the time
and stay there overnight. Very enjoyable. They have cows. They found some oil in
the land. Lot of visitors. They were suffering one time financially, but now
they have no problem.

*You're a religious leader, right?*

Yes, I am president of this organization here. ISKON of Virginia.

*What led you to this position?*

That was because for many years I had been practicing. Being from India, born
and grew up. In India it's very common for Hindus to go to temple and become
servant of G-d. There are many paths in India. When I came here [in 1970, there
were no other temples beside ISKON. When I went first to Chicago I found a Hare
Krishna temple and went there. Then I moved to Atlanta, and there was also a
Hare Krishna temple there and I started going there. From there I moved to
Baltimore and DC -- all those places. Slowly I started going. In those days,
those were the only temples we had. Now we have many temples. I met different
Hindu religion priests and many other people, but by then I was convinced that
Hare Krishna was the proper way of philosophy presented about Krishna. That's
why I continued.

*How is Hare Krishna different from the religion you grew up practicing?*

Other religions that I was aware of in India believe all the demig-ds as well
as Krishna are on the same level. They do not have a differentiation. They were
not openly pointing out what the goal of life should be. In Hare Krishna, they
say Krishna is supreme ... of G-dhead and that the goal of the life should be to
develop love for Krishna. There are many demig-ds people in India follow and
they are representative of G-d-law. It's just like president of the govt.
Secretary is in a different department. If you serve the secretary, you may get
some benefits, but if know the president you can get around anything.

*Have you ever seen visions of Krishna?*

I haven't seen the G-d yet, but I look back my life and over the life I've been
materially much better and spiritually making progress which gives me comfort in
my life. Even though I'm 80 years old, at this age, I'm a happy person. Better
than all my 80 years behind. Normally people when they get old, they have less
happy days. Disease, not happy with the children, not happy with the govt, they
don't have enough money to survive. But in my case, I enjoy every moment of it.
It looks like G-d is praising me and giving me what I want.

*You said you first came here from India to Chicago. What were you doing for a

I came from India as a student and went to University of Tennessee and did my
masters degree. At that time I was struggling a bit financially. I didn't have
money when I came from India. But luckily within 3 months I got permission to
work within the university; then I never had problems financially. Then I did my
masters and started working a little bit part-time.

*Didn't you say you got a PhD?*

No, I did not finish it. I did the coursework and when I was supposed to do a
dissertation I decided to move forward and work in the outside.

*What were you during your PhD in?*

It was a NASA-related project, laser technologies and optical technology and
searching for meteor trails falling from the sky. I was doing some mathematical
model research. It was an interesting project. But I was successful to proving
my master thesis. My advisor was very happy. He came one day when I finished and
lifted up the paper and said, "you made my life."

*How'd you transition from that to becoming a religious leader*?*

Oh really this was developing on the side, just like my regular job as an
engineer continued there and there, different companies. And religiously went to
this temple that temple. In the beginning not too much into it, but more and
more I got involved. But slowly I got into the service more and started cleaning
pots and pans and mopping the floor and praying and those things developed as I
continued with it.

*But how'd you stop being an engineer?*

I did not stop, I just wanted to balance out work and life and slowly I decided
sooner or later I should quit the job and go on my own business so I have more
freedom. So I only worked in America as an engineer for 14 years of my life.
After I quit I started my own real estate business and then had more time. Do
whatever I want, just go to temple. So it worked out really good, good

*Aren't you a landlord now?*

Yes, yes. Means I got rid of most of my property. Live more simple life. More
I'm more concentrating here (the temple) & my sadhyna. Everyday I have to put
spice at least 4 times in the sadhnya. Go out and feed the homeless people.
People whoever come we offer them, we preach, we discuss.

*What does it mean to be Krishna of Consciousness?*

Krishna Consciousness means we all have a consciousness thinking what we think
inside. Somebody have a consciousness for his family, somebody has a
consciousness for his nation, somebody has a consciousness for himself, and
Krishna consciousness means we think about Krishna, a supersoul inside. We are
the soul, we are part of it. Clearly which is given in the Bhagavad Gita we try
to develop in our consciousness so that we more become apart of it. If you say
"I'm American" -- then as soon as you say "I'm American" you feel that you're
part of America. Even if you're born in Africa and you live in America,
naturally your consciousness is in Africa. This is only one aspect of
consciousness. So Krishna Consciousness is trying to relate yourself as a
servant of Krishna.

*Does the religion believe in free will?*

Oh yeah, that's why we are here. We have a free will. That was the main
fundamental situation we had that's why we wind up in this material world.
Otherwise we live in a spritual world, with Krishna, serving Him. Take a family
for example, you have four children. Krishna is your father. One guy say I'm
going to Africa, one guy say I'm going to New York, and father is in Richmond.
Time goes by, nobody wants to come and say "hello" to his father and they've
forgotton. One guy who was living in New York he keeps in touch with the
Richmond father & mother and once a while, weekend comes by, he says "how can I
help you?" So he becomes a loving child. The other guys are not getting too much
health. And the father says, "let them". That's a free will example. We have
forgotten our relation with our father. We have decided to go away from him.
That's why we have ended up in this material world. We think we are happy, but
no, if we go to our father we will be much happier. Like when the New York guy
goes to his father in Richmond. Father is happy, mother is happy, they take care
of each other. And that is our duty as Krishna of Consciousness, to go back to
home and become servant of Krishna.

*We're in the age of Kali Yuga which means the furthest from Krishna, right?*

Not furthest, we are in the material world, but Kali Yuga is such a situation
that is forgetfulness and mind is not intelligent. Two days back you probably
can't remember what you ate. That's why this formula that is given, Hare Krishna
mantra, is very powerful. It has a spiritual vibration, and when you sing that
mantra, the mantra connects you directly to Krishna. It penetrates this planet
and goes to the spiritual plane and to Krishna -- that powerful. When we call
our cellular phone to Africa, that is what's happening. Spatial frequency takes
you to Africa. Same day when you chant Hare Krishna, it has a spatial frequency
that connects you to Krishna.

*What does the mantra mean in English?*

It's a prayer.

*There is no translation?*

Maybe not, but you can say it's a quick prayer. That's it? Thank you for coming.

*Yep, thanks for agreeing to this.*